Vivado Non-Project Mode: Releasing Vivado’s True Potential

Most digital circuit design engineers are familiar with Vivado’s GUI. It allows engineers to create a project, select the target part, add or create source files for the RTL design, add physical and timing constraints, and go through the synthesis, implementation, and bitstream generation process. What most engineers don’t know is that there is another, more powerful mode called Non-Project Mode that is only available through Tcl scripts. If you’re not familiar with Tcl check out these free tutorials we put together here.

This mode is called Non-Project Mode because you do not create a Vivado project. Instead, the design is built in memory. There are a number of benefits to using Non-Project Mode including

  • High resolution over the optimizations performed in each step of the implementation process
  • Ability to re-run steps with different directives to iteratively improve timing
  • Create design checkpoints (dcp) which save the in-memory design to a dcp file. These can be used as starting points instead of starting the entire build process over (for example, you can place the design, save it as a dcp, and then route using one of the available options. If it fails to meet timing just open the dcp you created and re-route using a different directive)
  • The build process typically runs faster
  • Build automation tools can be integrated
  • Source control is far easier as the Tcl script is a simple text file and changes to configurations are easy to see using simple diff tools
  • Increased repeatability

If you think of other advantages worthy of inclusion, put them in the comment section and we’ll update the post accordingly. With all of these advantages, it’s no wonder why serious engineers prefer to use Vivado’s Non-Project Mode.

In this post, we’ll go over a simple Tcl script that you can use to build your design in Non-Project Mode. This post uses the example provided in UG894.

Create Output Directory

The first step is to define the output directory. This is where your reports are going to go, any dcp files you create, and your bitstream. It’s also a good idea to define the target part near the top so you can easily find later. Once you define the output directory, check to make sure it’s empty. The code below shows how to delete all of the files and sub-folders if the output directory is not empty.

#Define target part and create output directory
set partNum TargetPartNum
set outputDir ./path/to/outPutDir
file mkdir $outputDir
set files [glob -nocomplain "$outputDir/*"]
if {[llength $files] != 0} {
    # clear folder contents
    puts "deleting contents of $outputDir"
    file delete -force {*}[glob -directory $outputDir *]; 
} else {
    puts "$outputDir is empty"

Add HDL Source Files and Constraints

Next, add the HDL source files and constraints shown in the code below. When adding HDL source files there are two commands: read_vhdl and read_verilog. Notice that these commands are not color coded inside the code block. This is because they are not built-in Tcl commands but are procedures (basically Tcl functions) defined in the Vivado namespace. The read_vhdl command is used when reading VHDL files and read_verilog is used when reading Verilog files (pretty easy to remember). Notice that the method of adding files is different in Non-Project Mode than Project Mode which uses the commands add_files or import_files (to see how to create a Project Mode Tcl script click here). In Non-Project mode, source files are referenced without creating a dependency on the files. Files must be monitored for changes and the design updated accordingly.

#Reference HDL and constraint source files
read_vhdl -library usrDefLib [ glob path/to/vhdl/sources/*.vhdl ]
read_verilog [ glob path/to/verilog/sources/*.v ]
read_xdc path/to/constraint/constraint.xdc

The read* commands can be given the optional parameters listed below.

-library <arg> The library the files should reference. If no library is specified the default library, xil_defaultlib, is used.
-quietAll messages generated by the command are surpressed, including error messages.
-verboseOverride messge limits and output all messages generated by the command.
-svFor use with read_verilog. Specifies the file to be of type SystemVerilog.
-vhdl2008To be used with read_vhdl. Specifies the file to be of type VHDL 2008.

Run Synthesis, Write DCP, and Create Reports

Now its time to run synthesis. The first line of the code below tells Vivado to begin running synthesis. The first argument tells Vivado the name of the top module, not the file name. The second argument specifies the target part number.

#Run Synthesis
synth_design -top NameOfTopModule -part $partNum
write_checkpoint -force $outputDir/post_synth.dcp
report_timing_summary -file $outputDir/post_synth_timing_summary.rpt
report_utilization -file $outputDir/post_synth_util.rpt

Other optional and useful arguments are:

-genericSpecify generic parameters. Syntax: -generic <name>=<value> – generic <name>=<value>
-gated_clock_conversionConvert clock gating logic to flop enable. Values: off, on, auto Default: off
-resource_sharingSharing arithmetic operators. Value: auto, on, off Default: auto
-verboseOverride messge limits and output all messages generated by the command.

A comprehensive list of optional arguments can be found in UG835 under synth_design.

After Vivado is done synthesizing the design, it’s good practice to write the in-memory synthesized design to a checkpoint. This must be manually commanded otherwise no checkpoint is written. The -force argument overwrites any .dcp file with the same name. The last two lines generate our timing and utilization reports for later use.

Optimize Design, Write DCPs, and Create Reports

Next, optimize the design for the target part and place the ports and logic cells onto the device resources. After placing the design, we create a clock utilization report.

#run optimization
report_clock_utilization -file $outputDir/clock_util.rpt

The next piece of code is really cool and highlights the power and flexibility of working in Non-Project Mode. It is possible to identify timing violations and then perform optional optimizations to potentially resolve the issues. This ability is only available in Non-Project Mode as shown below.

#get timing violations and run optimizations if needed
if {[get_property SLACK [get_timing_paths -max_paths 1 -nworst 1 -setup]] < 0} {
 puts "Found setup timing violations => running physical optimization"
write_checkpoint -force $outputDir/post_place.dcp
report_utilization -file $outputDir/post_place_util.rpt
report_timing_summary -file $outputDir/post_place_timing_summary.rpt

To those unfamiliar with Tcl’s syntax the code for the if statement might seem a little confusing. In Tcl, commands wrapped in brackets are executed first and the value of the command is returned. In the case of the if statement, there are two commands nested in brackets, get_property, and get_timing_paths. Because get_timing_paths is wrapped within the most nested brackets, it is executed first. The command returns a timing paths Tcl object that can be queried with the get_property command (the documentation for the properties that can be quired for First Class Vivado objects can be found here). The -max_paths argument specifies the max number of paths to return while the nworst argument specifies the number of paths to show to each endpoint. The -setup argument checks for setup violations.

The get_property command queries the Tcl object for the SLACK property and checks to see if this value is less than zero. If a violation is detected, execute the physical optimization.

Once complete, write out the in-memory design to a DCP and generate utilization and timing reports.

Route Design and Generate bitstream

Now we’re ready to route the design using route_design. In the code below, we use the Explore directive which commands the Vivado router to explore critical paths based on timing after an initial route. There are many different directives to choose from that may give better results depending on your design. There’s a cool post on how to use DCPs to run routing with different directives to find the best directive for your design by the Hardware Jedi. You can use the link here to view their post.

#Route design and generate bitstream
route_design -directive Explore
write_checkpoint -force $outputDir/post_route.dcp
report_route_status -file $outputDir/post_route_status.rpt
report_timing_summary -file $outputDir/post_route_timing_summary.rpt
report_power -file $outputDir/post_route_power.rpt
report_drc -file $outputDir/post_imp_drc.rpt
write_verilog -force $outputDir/cpu_impl_netlist.v -mode timesim -sdf_anno true
write_bitstream -force $outputDir/nameOfBitstream.bit

After routing, we write the final DCP and generate our reports. The write_verilog command writes the netlist of the design in Verilog format. write_vhdl could have been used to write the netlist of the design in VHDL format. Finally, we write our bitstream.

Hopefully, after seeing how powerful Non-Project Mode can be, you’ll begin using it for your Vivado FPGA builds. Please let us know how it goes for you in the comments or if you have any questions.

Bonus: Get a downloadable Non-Project Mode Tcl template

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Christopher Hogstrom

8 thoughts on “Vivado Non-Project Mode: Releasing Vivado’s True Potential”

  1. As someone working with a Zynq SoC and trying to teach themselves Vivado, I found this tutorial very useful.

  2. This is great. To a software (non FPGA) person, Vivado can seem baffling. Especially the fact that it’s so hard to put work into a repository! Thanks for getting this written down.

    I went through all the process of converting over to non-project mode when I realized it was nearly impossible to share my project mode Vivado work even with myself on a different machine. Now I can easily move from machine to machines and also share code with other (really really nice) tools like Icarus and ICEStorm just by having different build targets.

  3. Hi,
    It seems both project mode and non-project mode support tcl-based scripting flow. For a given design in Vivado, does it mean the user can go for either project mode or non-project mode tcl script ?
    Also, I don’t understand when it has project mode tcl script flow if non-project mode is better ?
    To be honest, would you please analyze how to choose between project or non-project mode tcl flow which they all are command mode flow ?

    1. Those are good questions Nan. As you said, both modes support Tcl-based scripting. Any design can use either Project Mode or Non-Project mode, the decision largely depends on the size and complexity of the design (sometimes engineers simply don’t know enough about Non-Project mode and so opt for Project mode as it is simpler).
      Many designs are started using the GUI. As the design matures and the need to share it with more team members increases, a decision is made to create Tcl scripts to allow the design to be easily shared among team members and track configuration changes using a revision control system. An existing GUI project is, by definition, using Project mode. Starting from an existing project and getting the Tcl scripts for the project are easy because Vivado can export all the Tcl commands required to recreate the current project (go to file->Project->write Tcl). Small designs that easily fit within the specified part and who’s timing constraints are relaxed are good candidates for Project mode.
      Non-Project mode is a little more complicated than Project mode and offers much greater control and flexibility to meet design constraints. When designs are large, utilize most or all of the parts resources, or have strict timing constraints then Non-Project mode is better. This is because Non-Project mode offers the ability to create custom reports, unlock hidden optimization paramters, iteratively re-run optimations to improve timing, and typically executes faster than Project mode.
      Some engineers think that if they use Non-Project mode then they can never use the GUI to view reports or netlists. This is not accurate. Any DCP file can be opened and analyzed in Vivado. Hopefully this answers your question. If not let me know and I’ll try to come up with a better response.

  4. Thanks — very helpful article. After trying this out, I find that non-project mode cuts my compile time nearly in half for simple tutorial projects using the BASYS3 board with Vivado 2020.2. The difference between 1-minute and 2-minute turn-around time for a classroom experience is significant.

  5. In project mode, one uses the Vivado GUI to connect up various blocks, invoke wizards to for example configure clocks and hook up axi busses and the like. The wizards guide you to what is supported, and enable easy selection of various options. However, you are locked into a GUI flow, which is not very maintainable, difficult to do revision control, et cetera.

    In your non project flow, it appears one simply presents your source HDL to the tool and invoke synthesis and implementation.

    So is how does one obtain the expertise to compose a top level verilog file that instantiates the clock wizards and AXI bus IPs and and passes the parameters to them correctly?

    Do you recommend that one runs project mode first, and then reads the generated verilog files as inspiration for use as the top level, and then move to non-project mode?

  6. I wish people spend day or two working with Visual Studio to realize, project file, solution file (text!) and sources tree in relative path is all that needed and stores perfectly under revision control. And that allows distribution, recreation – all those things. IMO that is a golden standard all developers should lean to.

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