A loop is a piece of code that gets executed over and over again until some condition is met. Loops are common and powerful tools used in many Tcl scripts so it’s worth spending some time understanding their quirks. Tcl supports three types of loops, while, for, and
While Loop
while loops are typically used when the exact number of iterations to execute the code is unknown. For example, iterating over a piece of code that sequenctially improves timing in your FPGA design until timing conditions are met. Care must be taken to avoid writing infinite loops as some conditions may never be met. Running code iteratively until
while testCondition body
Like most things in Tcl, this can be rewritten for better readability as shown.
while {testCondition} {
The testCondition is evaluated using the same rules as the expr command. Note: make sure to wrap the testCondition within braces, failure to do so will likely result in an infinite loop. Let’s look at the following example.
set x 1
while {$x<4} {
puts “$x is less than 4”
incr x; #increments x by 1
Because the test condition is wrapped in braces the code executes as expected and produces the following output
1 is less than 4
2 is less than 4
3 is less than 4
But what happens if we forget to include the braces around the testCondition or use quotes instead as shown below?
while $x<4 {
puts “$x is less than 4”
incr x; #increments x by 1
This code produces an infinite loop! It prints
1 is less than 4
2 is less than 4
3 is less than 4
4 is less than 4
To understand what is going on we must first remember Tcl substitution rules. Before a command is evaluated Tcl substitutes the variables, in this
For Loop
for loops are typically used when the number of iterations to execute a piece of code is known. The for loop syntax is
for start testCondition next body
but is better written as
for {start} {testCondition} {next} {
Just like the while
for {set x 0} {$x < 3} {incr x} {
puts "$x is less than 3"
puts "$x is equal to 3 \n"
for {set x 4} {$x > 1} {set x [expr {$x-1}]} {
puts "$x is greater than 1"
puts "$x is equal to 1 \n"
for {set x 5} {$x>2} {incr x -1} {
puts "$x > 2"
if {$x == 4} {
set y 40
puts "$x is equal to 2"
puts "\$y = $y"
Running the above code produces
0 is less than 3
1 is less than 3
2 is less than 3
3 is equal to 3
4 is greater than 1
3 is greater than 1
2 is greater than 1
1 is equal to 1
5 > 2
4 > 2
3 > 2
2 is equal to 2
$y = 40
Notice that variables defined within the for loop can be used anywhere in the code.
Many times it’s necessary to loop through an array. If the array index starts at one and increments sequentially then all we need to do is use the length of the array in the test condition. This can be done by first finding and storing the length of the array with the code below. In this case, the command within the brackets gets executed first and returned.
set length [array size arrayname]
set names(0) Ammy
set names(1) Billy
set names(2) Sarah
set lengthNames [array size names]
for {set x 1} {$x<lengthNames} {incr x} {
puts "names = $names($x)"
foreach variable list body
or more commonly
foreach variable list {
Learning how
foreach x {1 2 tom 4 5 6} {
puts "x = $x"
Next are multi-dimensional lists which can take one of two forms. The first is to include a second loop variable as shown in the example below. The first element in the list is assigned to the first loop variable and the second element in the list is assigned to the second loop variable. If the number of elements in the list is not divisible by the number of loop variable then on the last iteration of the loop, the loop variables without matching elements get assigned an empty string.
foreach {x y} {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9} {
puts "x = $x"
puts "y = $y"
The second method of creating multi-dimensional
foreach {x} {1 2 3 4} {y} {5 6 7 8 9} {
puts "x = $x"
puts "y = $y"
There are many cases where we want the list to be set by a variable. This is easily shown as follows
set list1 {1 -1 2 -2 3 -3}
foreach {x} $list1 { ;#when using a variable for list don't wrap it in braces as it prevents substitution
puts "x = $x"
Be warned, if the list variable (not to be confused with the loop variable} is wrapped with braces then variable substitution does not occur and you will get undesirable results.
Take a moment to try some of the examples in the widget below. As always, please leave a comment and let us know what you’d like to learn next.
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